unknown cool midi

I’m home for a few days. One of the things I’ve been doing is helping with some long overdue cleaning-out of the accumulated cruft of our 14 years in this house. You know, the usual — throwing out random receipts and bank statements from 1993, making sure to save the Christmas ornament I made in kindergarten, and so on. (More on that in another note, maybe.) Of course, for children of the 90s, who lived in the age when the volume of data readily available was just beginning to accelerate past readily available hard drive space, one of the key things to clean out is old burned CDs, both audio CDs and data backups.

Bar none, the best find of the evening (besides some saved IM conversations that, delicious as they are, I won’t share here) was “unknown cool midi.mid”:
Click here to listen

I’m pretty sure that Chris sent this to me sometime in middle school. There’s just so many awesome things about it:
1) the fact that neither of us knew what song this was at the time
2) the fact that the music is flat-out wrong in more than one way
3) the fact that this was what passed for “cool” when I was 11

I know people who have old collections of hundreds, if not thousands, of midis — sadly I only came across a few dozen. Maybe the real collection is buried on one of those Zip disks I haven’t looked at yet…

What’s the coolest thing you found the last time you strolled through the digital graveyard of your youth?

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